Saturday, September 10, 2011


Good morning. Just a little note to say Hi and that you are special. Know that God is with you at all times. He IS an ever present help in times of trouble. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Trust His plan and purpose for you. Have a great day!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Looking Back

Today I thought about this blog and realized that it had been a long time since I last posted... June 2010 to be exact. I'm going to try again and hope that I can continue and that God will give me words to share.

Another busy day has passed. I'm sitting on the couch watching the end of "Sleepless in Seattle" for the thousandth time. I always enjoy that movie. I love the music and always love a happy ending. How about you? It always makes me smile to see that all is right in the world for someone.

The last few months have been filled with challenges. I was diagnosed with borderline breast cancer and had a lumpectomy a few weeks ago. Still recovering physically from the surgery and awaiting the start of radiation in a few weeks. I was totally taken by surprise when this part of the journey began. I went for a routine mammogram which led to diagnosis, etc. Ladies, make sure you have a mammogram when scheduled. They are important.

I know that God is faithful and He is teaching me to trust Him more and more. That is one area where I struggle... trusting. Over the span of our lifetime we pick up scars (hurts) from people, circumstances, life events... that can affect how we deal with life. We may become bitter instead of better. We have to be careful to keep our focus on God and trust Him to complete what He has started in our lives. He will help us through those moments when we hurt. He will give us strength when we are weak.

KNOW that HE is GOD. He will see us through each and every moment of our lives.

God Bless. Be Still and Know.

Love ya. :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just Sitting

Hi. Today was another busy day. Just made it home from work and I'm just sitting. I have many things I need to do but still ... I'm just sitting.

Sitting in my chair with my mind racing and trying to make sense of everything around me. Sometimes sitting can be a good thing. We sit and talk with family and friends. We sit while we watch a good movie or read a good book. We sit and rest after a long day.

But there are also times that sitting can be a hindrance. There are times in life that just sitting will not do. We must take a stand and move forward. God has a plan and purpose for each of us. Sometimes He may want us to sit and rest in Him but other times He wants us to take a stand knowing who we are in Him.

Let's all move forward listening for His voice, seeking His face and obeying. God is always good and He will always work all things together for our good.

Love you!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

What now?

Why do we breathe? Our bodies need it. Why do we eat? Our bodies need it. Why do we sleep? Our bodies need it. Our physical body has many needs that must be met in order to function and survive.

Why do we pray? Our spirit man needs it. Why do we read the word? Our spirit man needs it. Why do we listen to hear God's voice? Our spirit man needs it. Our spirit man has many needs that must be met in order to function and survive.

There will always be things that will drive us, that will pull us, that will distract us from the call that God has on our life. We must remember to stay focused on the call but even more important we must stay focused on the caller.

God is the only one that can show us the way. He will always have a plan and purpose that will work together for our good. We must trust Him. We must be still and know that He is God.

Allow God to work and to bring forth those plans and purposes He ordained from the beginning of time. God will never disappoint. He will bring peace and blessing.

So continue (or begin) today to ask Him what next. Listen for His voice and follow.

God is good.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hi. Hope all is well with you. Life is busy here with work, family, etc. The days continue to pass and now May is a few days away. Choices abound for all of us everyday. We choose to get out of bed and go. We choose how to spend our time, what we listen to, what we say... God gives us free choice. As I sit here, my body is tired ... so tired that I don't want to put forth effort to get ready for bed. I know that I need to get up but still I sit.

Sometimes that is what we do in our walk with God. We know what we need to do but still we sit... What is the one thing that God has placed on your heart to do? Do it with all of your might. The word says David danced with all of his might as the Israelites brought the ark to Jerusalem. May we do all things unto God will all of our might. Know that God's purposes for us are mighty and true. Seek Him and follow. Our God is good, Our God is holy, Our God is just.

Know that you are loved with an everlasting love.

God Bless!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Good morning all. Happy Wednesday. A new day is beginning... Ask God to have His way in your life today ... To set up divine appointments ... To reveal Himself to you more and more.

Our God is awesome and He waits for us to seek Him with all of our being.

Know that He is faithful. Trust Him. Seek Him. Know Him.

Be still and know that HE IS GOD!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Good morning ...

Good morning. It has been a while. Busy life.

God is working. Keep your focus on HIM and HE will see you through.

Do not allow the enemy to distract you. He will if given the chance.

Be still and know. God is on the throne. He is faithful and true.

God Bless!